Friday, July 6, 2012

**city directories*etc**

..........found in City Directories at
.........July 2012

................................more to come....


....above is 1913 advertisement....
....CLICK any picture for a larger view....

....above is 1907....
....below is 1908....


....above is 1910....
....below is 1912....

....above is 1914....
....below is 1927....

....above is 1940....
....below is 509 Leal....


..........below found at
., above, I suspect Dec 28 1891.... when Hannibal first set foot on American soil....
....below, marriage date, is from another source....

....above, apparently Hannibal's last trip to the homeland. early 1937...
....below, front page S A Light Nov 14, 1937....

......more to come.....
..I have three blogs..
..the others are 
.. ..
..things I make..
.. ..
..people places and things..
..this blog is hannibalpianta.blogspot.. 